// JavaScript behaviors for the Image CAPTCHA Drupal.behaviors.imageCaptcha = function (context) { // Add a click event to CAPTCHA images to reload the CAPTCHA image $(".captcha_image", context).click(function() { $(this).attr('src', $(this).attr('src').replace(/\?.*$/, '') + '?r=' + Math.random()); }) }; // JavaScript behaviors for the Image CAPTCHA admin page Drupal.behaviors.imageCaptchaAdmin = function (context) { // Helper function to show/hide noise level widget. var noise_level_shower = function(speed) { speed = (typeof speed == 'undefined') ? 'slow' : speed; if ($("#edit-image-captcha-dot-noise").is(":checked") || $("#edit-image-captcha-line-noise").is(":checked")) { $("#edit-image-captcha-noise-level-wrapper").show(speed); } else { $("#edit-image-captcha-noise-level-wrapper").hide(speed); } } // Add onclick handler to the dot and line noise check boxes. $("#edit-image-captcha-dot-noise").click(noise_level_shower); $("#edit-image-captcha-line-noise").click(noise_level_shower); // Show or hide appropriately on page load. noise_level_shower(0); // Helper function to show/hide smooth distortion widget. var smooth_distortion_shower = function(speed) { speed = (typeof speed == 'undefined') ? 'slow' : speed; if ($("#edit-image-captcha-distortion-amplitude").val() > 0) { $("#edit-image-captcha-bilinear-interpolation-wrapper").show(speed); } else { $("#edit-image-captcha-bilinear-interpolation-wrapper").hide(speed); } } // Add onchange handler to the distortion level select widget. $("#edit-image-captcha-distortion-amplitude").change(smooth_distortion_shower); // Show or hide appropriately on page load. smooth_distortion_shower(0) };